How to Delete a Facebook Group – 2023

You can delete a Facebook group by going into the group settings and clicking on pause group. Facebook does not allow you to completely delete the group but instead you actually pause it into an archive state. This means that the group can still be viewed by members but new posts and any changes are not allowed. You can also unpause the group at any state and it will go back to normal.

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I’m not sure why Facebook decided to not allow people to completely delete their Facebook groups, but that’s how they do it. Probably is this way because it allows them to use the data to say how many Facebook groups there are to investors. It’s going to look a lot better if they have more Facebook groups versus less.

If you have decided to delete your Facebook group, that’s entirely fine because you can just posit. This shuts down the group for member usage and nobody can do anything inside the group. By pausing the group, you essentially shut down all operations, but the group still exist as an entity.

Step one to deleting your Facebook group is to go onto the group settings and choose pause group. It is then going to ask you a series of questions of why you choose to pause your group, and then you can confirm. they’re going to try to talk you out of pausing your group for whatever reason but just continue through the process. This isn’t deleting your group but it’s still the same idea in a sense. 

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